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About the Basselin Program
The Basselin Program was established by the generous bequest of Mr. Theodore Basselin, upon his death in 1914, for the education of the Church’s “very best and brightest” seminarians in philosophy, rhetoric, and homiletics. Since the first class of Basselin scholars in 1923, Mr. Basselin has helped The Catholic University of America and Theological College execute their mission to be of “service to Church and nation” by providing an abundance of resources and scholarships for the training of the next generation of priests and scholars.
Basselin scholars receive three years of comprehensive priestly formation at Theological College and an education in undergraduate- and graduate-level philosophy from our world-class faculty at the School of Philosophy. Upon completing their course of study, Basselins will have studied at least three foreign languages, received bachelor’s (Ph.B.) and master’s (Ph.L.) degrees in philosophy, and have written a master's thesis. Within the classrooms of the School of Philosophy, Basselins are marked by their insightful and distinctive contributions to discussion, their fraternal charity, and their joyful demeanor.
Catholic University and the School of Philosophy continue to benefit from Mr. Basselin’s generosity through the many great priests, professors, and bishops who guide and teach our students and faculty, both here at the University and in their respective diocese. The School of Philosophy is especially grateful for the formation of two great professors of philosophy at Catholic University: Monsignor Robert Sokolowski, B.A. 1956, M.A. 1957, and the late Monsignor John F. Wippel, B.A. 1955, M.A. 1956, S.T.L. 1960, and provost emeritus of the University. For a list of Basselin bishops and cardinals, please consult the section below.
To learn how one can support the Basselin Program, please contact Lauren Pizzella, Assistant Director of Leadership Annual Giving, at or 202-319-4439.
Alumni Bishops and Cardinals
Most Reverend Robert L. Barron, Ph.B. 1981, M.A. 1982, Bishop of Diocese of Winona–Rochester
His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal Burke, B.A. 1970, M.A. 1971, Patron Emeritus of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
Most Reverend Robert P. Deeley, B.A. 1968, Bishop Emeritus of Portland (Maine)
His Eminence, Daniel Cardinal DiNardo, B.A. 1971, M.A. 1974, Archbishop Emeritus of Galveston-Houston
Most Reverend Sam G. Jacobs, B.A. 1959, M.A. 1960, M.A. 1964, Bishop Emeritus of Houma-Thibodaux
Most Reverend Michael Jarrell, B.A. 1962, M.A. 1963, Bishop Emeritus of Lafayette (Louisiana)
Most Reverend Robert J. McManus, Ph.B. 1974, M.A. 1974, Bishop of Worcester
Most Reverend Robert F. Morneau, B.A. 1961, M.A. 1962, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Green Bay
Most Reverend Michael F. Olson, B.A. 1988, M.A. 1989, Bishop of Fort Worth
His Eminence, Donald Cardinal Wuerl, B.A. 1962, M.A. 1963, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington -
Most Reverend Joseph P. Delaney, B.A. 1956, M.A. 1957, Bishop Emeritus of Fort Worth
Most Reverend Philip Hannan, B.A. 1935, M.A. 1936, J.C.B. 1947, J.C.L. 1948, J.C.D. 1950, Archbishop Emeritus of New Orleans
His Eminence, Humberto Cardinal Medeiros, M.A. 1942, S.T.L. 1946, S.T.D. 1952, Archbishop Emeritus of Boston
Most Reverend Charles A. Salatka, B.A. 1940, M.A. 1941, Archbishop Emeritus of Oklahoma City
Sources Consulted
Image of Theodore Basselin: "A photographic image of Theodore Basselin (1851–1914), American lumber magnate," created in 1914. Public Domain.
Theological College. The Basselin Scholars Program: One Hundered Years of Formation for Priesthood. Washington, D.C.: Theological College, 2015.
Theological College, The Catholic University of America. Celebrating the Century - Welcoming the Future: Alumni Day Centennial Celebration. Washington, D.C.: Theological College, 2018.
———. Ecce Quam Bonum: A History of Theological College. Washington, D.C.: Theological College, 2017.