Philosophy books stacked on a desk

Dr. Michele Averchi

"Goosebumps and Self-Forgetfulness: Awe as a Hybrid Moral Emotion." In Emotional Experiences: Ethical and Social Significance, edited by John J. Drummond and Sonja Rinofner-Kreidl, 175-193. New York: Rowan & Littlefield, 2018.

"Husserl on Communication and Knowledge Sharing in the Logical Investigations and a 1931 Manuscript." Husserl Studies 34, no. 3 (October 2018): 209-228.


Dr. Anton Barba-Kay

"Kierkegaard’s Don Giovanni and the Seductions of the Inner Ear." Review of Metaphysics 69, no. 3 (March 2016): 583–612.

"Why Recognition Is a Struggle: Love and Strife in Hegel’s Early Jena Writings." Journal of the History of Philosophy 54, no. 2 (April 2016): 307–32.


Dr. Jonathan Buttaci

"Discovering Parallels with Aristotle's de Anima III.5." Ancient Philosophy 39, no. 1 (forthcoming Fall 2019).

"Aristotle on Learning How to Learn: Geometry as a Model for Philosophical
Pedagogy" in AAPT Studies in Pedagogy Vol. IV: Experiential Learning, edited by Andrew
Winters (2018).


Dr. Jean De Groot

"Theatricality in Pottery Design and Machines." In Politics and Performance in Western Greece: Proceedings of the Second Interdisciplinary Conference on the Hellenic Heritage of Magna Graecia, edited by Heather L. Reid and Davide Tanasi, 113–132. Sioux City, IA: Parnassos Press, 2017.

"Motion and Energy." In Vol. 1 of A Companion to Science, Technology, and Medicine in Greece and Rome, edited by Georgia L. Irby, 43–59. Chichester and Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2016.


Fr. Ignacio de Ribera-Martin

“The Priority of Soul as Actuality in Aristotle’s De Anima.” The Review of Metaphysics 74 no. 3 (2021): 243-268.

“Philoponus on the Dual Character of the Soul as Entelecheia of the Body.” Acta Philosophica 29, no. 2 (2020): 353-372.

“Movement (Kinêsis) as Efficient Cause in Aristotle’s Generation of Animals.” Journal of the History of Philosophy of Science (HOPOS) 9, no. 2 (2019): 296-326.


Dr. Gregory Doolan

"Aquinas on the Divine Ideas and the Really Real." Nova et Vetera, English edition 13, no. 4 (Fall 2015): 1059–91.

"Aquinas on the Metaphysician’s vs. the Logician’s Categories." Quaestiones Disputatae 4, no. 2 (Spring 2014): 133–55.


Dr. Thérèse-Anne Druart

"Roger Bacon and the “Arabic” Sources for his Moralis philosophia." In Richard Taylor’s Festschrift. Forthcoming.

"Al-Fârâbî: A Philosopher Challenging Some of the Kalâm’s Views on the Origin and Development of Language." Forthcoming, Studia graeco-arabica 8 (2018): 115-22.

"Brief Bibliographical Guides in Medieval Islamic Philosophy and Theology (1998-2020)."


Dr. Michael Gorman

Aquinas on the Metaphysics of the Hypostatic Union. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2017.

"Two Types of Features: An Aristotelian Approach." Ratio 27, no. 2 (June 2014): 140-154.


Dr. Richard Hassing

"Modern Turns in Mathematics and Physics." In The Modern Turn, edited by Michael Rohlf, 131-182. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2017.

Cartesian Psychophysics and the Whole Nature of Man: On Descartes’s Passions of the Soul. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2015.


Dr. Tobias Hoffmann

"Freedom without Choice: Medieval Theories of the Essence of Freedom." In The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Ethics, edited by Thomas Williams, 194-216. Cambridge University Press, 2019.

"Aquinas on Moral Progress." In Aquinas's Summa theologiae: A Critical Guide, edited by Jeffrey Hause, 131-49. Cambridge University Press, 2018.

"Aquinas on Free Will and Intellectual Determinism." Co-authored with Cyrille Michon. Philosophers' Imprint 17/10 (2017): 1-36.


Dr. Cristina Ionescu

On the Good Life: Thinking through the Intermediaries in Plato’s Philebus. SUNY Press, 2019.

“Elenchus, Recollection, and the Method of Hypothesis in the Meno.The Plato Journal 17 (2017): 9-29.


Dr. V. Bradley Lewis

"'Wine with Plato and Hemlock with Socrates’: Charles McCoy’s Dialogue with Leo Strauss and the Character of Thomistic Political Philosophy." In Leo Strauss and His Catholic Readers, edited by Geoffrey Vaughan, 47-76. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2018.

"Plato’s Philosophical Politics." Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy 32, no. 1 (July 2017): 169-90.


Dr. Thomas Marré

'Telos and Apeiron in Aristotle's Science of Nature.' Ancient Philosophy 41, 1 (2021).

 'Kant on Natural Ends and the Science of Life,' Res Philosophica, vol. 100, no. 2, April 2023, pp. 273-294.


Dr. Melissa Moschella

To Whom Do Children Belong? Parental Rights, Civic Education and Children’s Autonomy. Cambridge University Press, 2016.

"Integrated But Not Whole: Applying an Ontological Account of Human Organismal Unity to the Brain Death Debate." Bioethics 30, no. 8 (Oct. 2016): 550-556.


Dr. Timothy Noone

"Primum Cognitum at the End of the 13th Century: Raymundus Rigaldus and Duns Scotus." In Contemplation and Philosophy: Scholastic and Mystical Modes of Medieval Philosophical Thought, edited by A. Speer and Roberto Hoffmeister Pich, 443-476. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 2018.

"Scotus and Buridan on the First Known (Primum cognitum)." In Questions on the Soul by John Buridan and Others, edited by G. Klima, 211-223.  Vol. 3 of Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind, and Action. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Publishing Co., 2017.


Dr. Stephen Ogden

"On a Possible Argument for Averroes's Single Separate Intellect." Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 4 (Fall 2016): 27-63.

"Problems in al-Ghazali's Perfect World: Objections and Counter-Objections to His Best Possible World Thesis.” In Vol. 2 of Islam and Rationality: The Impact of al-Ghazali. Papers Collected on His 900th Anniversary, edited by Frank Griffel, 54-89. Brill, 2016.


Dr. Michael Rohlf

The Modern Turn, edited by Michael Rohlf. Vol. 60 of Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2017.

“The Ideas of Pure Reason.” In The Cambridge Companion to Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, edited by Paul Guyer, 190-209. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.


Msgr. Robert Sokolowski

Écrits de phénoménologie et de philosophie des sciences. Compiled, edited, and translated by André Lebel. Paris: Éditions Hermann, 2015.

Phenomenology of the Human Person. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008.


Dr. Matthias Vorwerk

"Plotinus and the Parmenides: Problems of Interpretation." In Plato’s Parmenides and Its Heritage, edited by J.D. Turner and K. Corrigan, 23-33. Vol. 2 of Reception in Patristic, Gnostic, and Christian Neoplatonic Texts. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2010.

"Maker or Father? Plotinus on the Demiurge." In One Book, The Whole Universe: Plato’s Timaeus Today, edited by R. D. Mohr and B. M. Sattler, 79–100. Las Vegas, Zurich, and Athens: Parmenides Publishing, 2010.


Dr. Kevin White

"Cantos, Carte, and Columns: A Hypothesis Concerning the Original Mise-en-page of Dante's Comedy."  Mediterranea. International journal on the transfer of knowledge, 6 (2021), p.263-285.

"Philosophical Starting Points: Reason and Order in Aquinas’s Introductions to the Posterior Analytics, De caelo, and Nicomachean Ethics."  In Theology Needs Philosophy: Acting Against Reason Is Contrary to the Nature of God, edited by Matthew L. Lamb, 135-153. Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 2016.

"Act and Fact: On a Disputed Question in Recent Thomistic Metaphysics."  The Review of Metaphysics 68, no. 2 (December 2014): 287-312.


Dr. Jeffrey Dirk Wilson

Mystery and Intelligibility: History of Philosophy as Pursuit of Wisdom. Edited by Jeffrey Dirk Wilson. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2021.

Gorgias as Reductio ad absurdum Argument: Socrates, True Politician but Failed Teacher?” In Liberty, Democracy, and the Temptations to Tyranny in the Dialogues of Plato. Edited by Charlotte C. S. Thomas. Macon, GA: Mercer University Press, 2021: 171-193.

“A Proposed Solution of St. Thomas Aquinas’s ‘Third Way’ through Pros hen Analogy.” Philotheos 19/1 (2019): 85-105.


Msgr. John Wippel

“Cornelio Fabro on Aquinas’s Quarta Via,” in Cornelio Fabro. Essential Thinker (Studia Fabriana), edited by N. Dreyer, 41-65. Chillum, MD: IVE Press, 2017. 

“Metaphysical Themes in De malo, 1,” in Aquinas’s Disputed Questions on Evil: A Critical Guide, edited by M.V. Dougherty, 12-33. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016.