History of Philosophy
Ancient Greek: Buttaci, De Groot, Druart, de Ribera-Martin, Ionescu, Lewis, Marré, Sokolowski, Taylor, Wilson, Wood
Hellenistic Philosophy: Druart
Medieval Arabic-Islamic: Druart, Taylor
Medieval Latin: Doolan, Fornasieri, Gorman, Hoffmann, Lewis, Noone, Taylor, White
Early Modern: Chapman, Hassing, Marré, McCarthy, Rohlf
German Idealism: Chapman, Rohlf
19th Century: Averchi
Contemporary Continental: Averchi, McCarthy, Sokolowski
Contemporary Analytic: Bierson, Buttaci, De Groot, Gorman
Systematic Areas
Aesthetics and Philosophy of Literature: Averchi, Wilson
Epistemology/Philosophy of Knowledge: Averchi, Buttaci, Noone, Sokolowski, White, Wilson, Wood
Ethics/Moral Philosophy: Bierson, Hoffmann, Lewis, Rohlf, Sokolowski, Waldorf, Wood
Logic: Noone, Taylor
Metaphysics: Chapman, de Ribera-Martin, Doolan, Druart, Fornasieri, Gorman, Hoffmann, Ionescu, Noone, Sokolowski, Taylor, Wilson
Philosophy of History: Noone
Philosophy of Mind/Human Nature: Bierson, Buttaci, Gorman, White, Wood
Philosophy of Religion: Doolan, Gorman, Noone
Philosophy of Science/Nature: Buttaci, De Groot, de Ribera-Martin, Hassing, Marré
Political Philosophy/Philosophy of Law: Hassing, Lewis, McCarthy, Rohlf, Waldorf, Wilson, Wood