Timothy B. Noone holds the Father Kurt Pritzl Chair in Philosophy at The Catholic University of America. He was born in Baltimore, MD, and raised in Western, PA. He received his B.A. in history from Lock Haven State University, Lock Haven, PA. Thereafter, he pursued graduate studies at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, University of Toronto, earning his M.A. (1980) and Ph.D. (1988) in Medieval Studies from the Center for Medieval Studies of the University of Toronto and his M.S.L. (1987) from the Pontifical Institute. A co-editor and general editor of the Opera philosophica of Duns Scotus and co-editor of the forthcoming edition of Scotus’s Reportata Parisiensia, Noone is also the co-author, along with Jorge Gracia, of A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages published by Blackwell, as well as the author of over 50 articles and book chapters. He has lectured at the École des Haute Études Pratiques, Université de la Sorbonne, Paris, the University of Freiburg, the University of Bonn, St. Andrews University, the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, the University of Cologne, and the Pontificia Universitá d’Antonianum, Rome, Italy. During the 2008-2009 academic year, he was a Fulbright Scholar researching and teaching at the University of Cologne's Thomas-Institut. Past-President of the American Catholic Philosophical Association and past-President of the Society for the Study of Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy in North America, Noone has most recently served as one of the three Vice-Presidents of the Societé pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale.
Select Publications

Quaestiones super secundum et tertium De anima
John Duns Scotus, Quaestiones super secundum et tertium De anima
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A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages
A Companion to Philosophy in the Middle Ages
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