Weakness of Will

September 10                             
Kenneth Dorter, University of Guelph
How Weak Is the Will in Plato's Republic?

September 17                             
Alfred Mele, Florida State University
Akratic Action and Libertarianism

September 24                             
Lloyd Gerson, University of Toronto
Weakness of the Will and the Neoplatonic Synthesis

October 1                                   
Bonnie Kent, University of California, Irvine
Appetite, Anger, and Shame: Aquinas on Moral Weakness

October 8                                   
Tobias Hoffmann, The Catholic University of America
Henry of Ghent and Duns Scotus on Weakness of Will

October 15                                 
Ann Hartle, Emory University
Montaigne's Marvelous Weakness

October 22                                 
John McCarthy, The Catholic University of America
Descartes' "Feeble Spirits"

October 29                                 
Thomas Hill, University of North Carolina
Kant on Weakness of Will

November 5                               
Tracy Strong, University of California, San Diego
Nietzsche and the Impotence of the Will to Power

November 12                              
Giuseppe Mazzotta, Yale University
Dante: Healing the Wounded Will

November 19                              
Richard Restak, The George Washington University
Weakness of the Will - A Neurologist's Perspective

December 3                                
Alasdair MacIntyre, University of Notre Dame
Conflicts of Desire  

All lectures are held at 2:00 p.m. in the Auditorium of Aquinas Hall at The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., 20064.

This series is made possible by a generous grant from the Franklin J. Matchette Foundation and the support of the Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundation and the George Dougherty Foundation.

For further information, contact the Office of the Dean, School of Philosophy, 202-319-5259, cua-philosophy@cua.edu