Music and Philosophy

All lectures are held from 2:00 - 4:00 pm, in the Aquinas Hall Auditorium. The flyer, as well as further details, can be found here.

September 19
Antón Barba-Kay, The Catholic University of America
Kierkegaard's Don Giovanni & the Seductions of the Inner Ear

September 26
Peter Pesic, St.John's College, Santa Fe
The Polyphonic Mind

October 17
Michael Davis, Sarah Lawrence College
The Logos of Plato's Laches: A Grace Note

October 24
Anselm Ramelow, Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology
How Does Music Imitate Nature?

November 7
Peter Kalkavage, St. John's College, Annapolis
Music & the Idea of a World: On Plato & Schopenhauer

November 21
Jerrold Levinson, University of Maryland
Values of Music

December 5
Robert Reilly, American Foreign Policy Council
Is There a Music of the Spheres?